ETS offers Pressure Washer Service on virtually ALL brands (ALL makes and models) of pressure washers, steam cleaners and pressure washer pumps to the Delaware Valley. We service brands like LANDA, Mi-T-M, Jenny, epps, Kranzle, CAT PUMPS, General Pump, Giant Pump, Comet Pump and more!
E-Mail Repair Today or Call for Service in the Tri-State Area:
Call our service department at 1-877-824-7763 x 120 to discuss ETS Co repairing your pressure washer pump. Ship it to us via UPS /FedEX (trackable service) **, ETS will estimate your pump, call you for repair approval and ship it back to you.
* Estimate is free to customers who choose to have ETS Co. Repair their pump
** Customers are responsible for shipping costs to and from ETS Co.
We also carry Pressure Washer Pump Parts – Click here)
E-Mail or Call for Service in the Tri-State Area: