Equipment Trade Service Company has been in the pressure washer / cleaning product specialists field since way before the big box stores like Home Depot and Lowes. ETS Co strives to bring our customers the products and services they demand at the prices to fit their budget. From Pressure Washers, Pumps, Parts, Kits and Accessories to Cleaning Chemicals, Generators, Water Pumps and even Graffiti Removal Products like Taginator and Tagaway.
In this endeavor we have struck deals with manufacturers of Pressure Washer and Cleaning Equipment like:
• CAT Pumps
• Annovi Reverberi (AR North America) Pressure Washer Pumps
• GIANT Pumps
• General Pumps
• Hypro Pumps
• Comet Pumps
• Mi-T-M Pressure Washers
• LANDA Pressure Washers
Equipment Trade Service Company also has our own repair department for all your pressure washer and cleaning equipment products. Our technicians have over 50 years in the industry. This is just something stores like ACE, Home Depot and Lowes can’t offer. In fact when they need some of their rentals repaired they come to ETS Company. ETS offers Pressure Washer Service on virtually ALL brands (ALL makes and models) of pressure washers, steam cleaners and pressure washer pumps to the Delaware Valley. We service brands like LANDA, Mi-T-M, Jenny, epps, Kranzle, CAT PUMPS, General Pump, Giant Pump, Comet Pump, Annovi Reverberi, Hypro Pump and more!
Call our service department at 1-877-824-7763 x 120 to discuss ETS Co repairing your pressure washer pump any make or model including but not limited to CAT PUMPS, General Pump, Giant Pump, Comet Pump, Annovi Reverberi & Hypro Pump. Ship it to us via UPS /FedEX (trackable service) **, ETS will estimate your pump, call you for repair approval and ship it back to you.
* Estimate is free to customers who choose to have ETS Co. Repair their pump
** Customers are responsible for shipping costs to and from ETS Co.
Our sales team at Equipment Trade Service Company has over 50 years experience in selling and getting the right answers to you fast! It’s not some teenager right out of high school trying to figure out the part or O-Ring you need to repair your pressure washer – the life blood of your business. The big box stores like Home Depot or Lowes think that a few hours of training videos on a machine as complex as a pressure washer is enough training and skill to make their employees “experts” on the inner workings of pressure washers and other cleaning machines. ETS Company relies on the know how and years of going over pressure washer breakdowns and looking up parts and kits for our customers needs as our training. It’s not a few hours here, we are talking years of learning and helping which makes our customer service for your industrial cleaning needs # 1 when compared to all the other competition out there.
So the next time your Pressure Washer, Steam Cleaner or Pressure Washer pump from any manufacturer like LANDA, Mi-T-M, Jenny, epps, Kranzle, CAT PUMPS, General Pump, Giant Pump, Comet Pump, Annovi Reverberi, Hypro Pump needs repair or replacing, come to Equipment Trade Service Company first. The big box stores Home Depot and Lowes and even ACE can’t compete with our knowledge and expertise to get you back on the road making money for yourself with the right equipment and knowledge.
Equipment Trade Service Company